Tuesday 11 October 2011

Reflection I - Introduction to HRIS

Dr. Nur starts the class by acknowledge us by the new technology transforming HR, IS components, and IS activities and so on. From the lecture, I know that IS would have input of data, then process the data and last would have an output. For example, we key in employee annual leave record then the IS would process it and come out with Annual Leave Report as the output.  Besides that, there are 3 basic types of new model in HR which is strategic partnering with line business, centre of expertise and service centre administration.
According to Nel (2004), HRIS consist four components which include hardware, software, data, and the users. Hardware is the physical part of computer that we all know such as keyboard, printer and so on. Software is the program to make computer work, such as software are windows, antivirus and others.  Data is the information that usually formatted in a special way. Lastly, the user refers to anyone who uses the computer.
HRIS function in lots of HRM application area which include employee data maintenance, financial planning, payroll processing, recruitment and others (Nel, 2004). Beckers and Bsat (2002) in Ngai and Wat (2006) state that, there are five reasons for a company to use HRIS which are able to improve HR operation that results in increase competitiveness of an organization, able to produce various report according to the information that key into the system, the focus of HR can shift to strategic HRM, system enable employees become parts of HRIS and all of the HR function in companies can be reengineer by HRIS.

Beckers, A.M. and Bsat, M.Z. (2002), “A DSS classification model for research in human resource information systems”, Information System Management, Vol. 19 No. 3,  pp. 41-50.
E.W.T. Ngai and F.K.T. Wat (2006). Huamn Resource Information Systems: A Review    and Empirical Analysis. Personal Review, Vol. 35 No.3, pp. 297-314.
PS Nel, PS van Dyk, GD Haasbroek, HB Schultz, T Sono and A Werner (2004). Human  Resources Management, 6th edition. Southern Africa: Oxford University Press.

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